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Pouring out what I am

Pouring out what I am

guided me into a journey
of the Fourth Way tradition
a theme of my life
that was prearranged
I can see now.

I have searched,
devoted my life
to find the answer to the questions
What am I…?
What is the meaning of life…?
What is this all about…?
with an utter desire to awaken
from this sleep we are in.



Now the time has come.
I have gained enough for myself,
and “my personal” evolution does not make sense any more.
I simply desire to share
what I have learned,
what I have experienced
through my journey,
with the world,
with the people
who are seeking just like me,
regardless of whether
if you find anything useful in my writings or not.
Because I cannot,
not to do so any more.

I am pouring out what I am.

‘You’ will not awake

‘You’ will not awake

‘You’ that desiring to awake,
‘You’ that earnestly working on yourself,
‘You’ that making effort to remember yourself, trying not to express negative emotions, and trying not to identify,
‘You’ that feeling noble emotions,
‘You’ that you are perceiving as you,
the person you call ‘I’.

These are still “group of I’s”, perhaps developed to the level of deputy steward or steward through years of work, but still a part of a machine — a machine which believing one day it will awake through all these efforts.

But you are in a true sense a machine.
And a machine will not awake.

Whatever you do, ‘you’ will not awake.
It is not this ‘you’ which will awake.

Struggle of light and darkness

Struggle of light and darkness


happens as a result of battles inside of you…
light and darkness

feeling and seeing your weakness…manifested….
and feeling…something is not right….

I do not want to be like this….
but…weakness wins…..

seeing myself doing things because of fear…
because of feminine dominance…
while feeling something is not right…

fear of losing control….
control of others, control of what might happen to me, control of energetic balance between friends…
while feeling something is not right…

Struggle of the Magicians…battle of darkness and light

After year after year of battles, weakness…still wins…
feels helpless….

but you did not know….
light was growing stronger inside of you.

One day, the day comes…when you put all your courage, all your might, all your trust, and say
I cannot go on like this anymore.
I choose to surrender…
I surrender to my light…
I surrender to my trust…
I surrender to the forces guiding me…
I surrender to my pureness…
Let it be so if my life collapse because of this…..
Let it be so if I lose friends…..
Let it be so whatever happens because of this.
Let it be so.
But I choose to surrender……to my light.
Suddenly….you find…lightness….freedom….happiness…smile….and love…inside of you.

You encounter weakness yet again…
light struggles…..
wins sometime…lose…still often….
yet light is stronger….
growing stronger…..

A glimpse of future work

A glimpse of future work

For most of us, even after decades of work, our ‘base’ state of consciousness is 2nd state. We spend most of the day in sleep and making effort to have moments of being present and self-remembering.

But one day your work will be opposite.

Your ‘base’, natural state will be ‘being in the present’, a state of self-remembering,  and your work will be not to fall asleep. You will catch yourself when you fall asleep momentarily and you will simply bring yourself back to the present, to the state of self-remembering. Because that is your natural state.

Can you imagine?

Illusion of ‘MY’ enlightenment

Illusion of ‘MY’ enlightenment

Many of us are so identified with achieving ‘my’ enlightenment, ‘my’ spiritual evolution, and compare consciously or unconsciously the level of being with others.

…..when there is no such a thing as ‘my’ evolution or achievement.

Idea and sense of ‘my’ is an illusion created by your ego. It is your ego itself. It is your lower self. You have been wondrously tricked by your ego, made you believe it is you.

An enlightenment, when it happens to a person, it is a celebration of all humanity. An enlightenment does not belong to that person. It is not an achievement of that person. It is an achievement of all humanity, a grand celebration of all humanity.

What is soul?

What is soul?

We say “Soul”, but most of us use this word in an abstract, ambiguous way. We think it is “something” exist inside of us, “something spiritual” part of us, or “something” which continues to exist after we die…..

Can you pin point exactly what that is?


It is your consciousness.

Your consciousness IS your soul itself.

Soul is not something ‘you’ own or exist separately inside you. 

Consciousness is YOU, and YOU ARE THE SOUL.

It is your I AM awareness.

It is your sense of “I EXIST”.

The master himself.

Can you feel?

When you awake, you become your soul itself.


Be present and Breathe

Be present and Breathe

When you are present, gently breathe in this ‘presence’.

Breathe in intentionally.

Be present and breathe in this sweetness of presence.
Let this sweetness permeate your entire body and savor the moments.

  • “Doing’ something while you are present will strengthen You. ‘Breathing’ intentionally while you are present is a good way to practice. Breathe in slowly and intentionally from your nose and try to actually sense a fragrance of presence.
  • Don’t engage in your thoughts and analyses. Leave your thoughts as they are and savor the presence.
Your core awareness is You

Your core awareness is You

You consist of 2 parts:

A) Your consciousness = Your awareness = What observes
B) What is observed = Activities of your 4 lower centers, and your biology through which you perceive 3D world.

Your awareness (A) is constantly observing (B).


This 3D world exists because you are observing it, because your awareness is constantly observing what arises in your body – thoughts, emotions, and perceptions through physical senses, etc. This creates a sense of 3D world.
If there is no awareness (‘what observes’ – which is You), you will not exist. Because you have awareness, 1) you have a sense of ‘I exist’ and 2) the world – what you perceive – exists.

In ‘normal’ people, there is no separation between the awareness (‘what observes’) and what the awareness is observing. Your awareness is completely bound to what is observed. Your awareness’ attention is going 100% to what is observed. This creates an illusion that what you perceive internally (thoughts, emotions etc.) and your body are yourself. Your awareness and what is observed are one.

The Fourth Way Work is to:

1) Loosen this strong tie (identification) between your awareness (A) and what awareness is observing (B), and create a separation between them (through self-observation, non-expression of negative emotions, non-identification with thoughts etc.), and

2) At the same time practice directly to be aware of ‘what observe’ part – placing your attention on your awareness itself. Practice to be aware of your awareness. This is called self-remembering.

We tend to seek ‘enlightenment’ or ‘truth’ in the world of ‘what is observed’ – externally in sacred texts, spiritual teachings etc. and internally though meditations, psychological practices etc.
But at the end you will find all true teachings and teachers continuously point out that what you are seeking for is ‘what is seeking’ – your awareness, your consciousness itself, and help you to realize experientially that your awareness is You, through various methods.
This state of ‘I exist’ is You.

You might have thought that your consciousness is something you own, in the same way as you own your physical body. But in truth, you are your consciousness itself. You are your soul itself.
Your awareness, your consciousness is an actual ‘being’.  You are a being of consciousness. This actualization – to exist as a ‘being of consciousness’ is called enlightenment or self-realization. Consciousness is not a property of your body. It is an actual ‘being’, actual existence, and that is who you really are.


It is in a way a bit comical situation – Let’s say a person, a seeker, Tom is looking for himself…. He is going around the town and asking people “Have you seen Tom?”, “I am looking for Tom”, “Do you know where he is?”… and he travels all over the world looking for that lost Tom… Until one day he realizes “Oh, the one I was searching for…is me…I am Tom…I am Tom myself….How strange I did not realize until now this simple fact…” and then he starts to live his life as Tom himself.



You all are a being of consciousness

You all are a being of consciousness

[Continuing from the previous post]

You exist in this 3D world. This is the enough proof that you are a being of consciousness, a souled being. You are your awareness, observing this 3D world = this is why you are experiencing the 3D world, and thus the 3D world exist.

Whether you are ‘enlightened’ or not,
whether your are ‘spiritual’ or not,
whether you are a talented special person or just an ordinaly,
It does not matter.
You all are a being of awareness, a sacred being of consciousness, walking on earth, experiencing wonderous life.

Communicating With A Loved One On The Other Side

Communicating With A Loved One On The Other Side

Love that you feel in your heart is the connection with the loved one. Whenever you think of the loved one and feel love in your heart you are actually communicating with the loved one. You are perceiving the communication as love vibration.

Communication does not need to be in a form of verbal interactions. Love is a language of no word, a means of communication through one’s heart. It is an actual language.

Mind perceives things as separate, and thus believes a communication should come from external somewhere, with intelligible words. But in truth there is literally no separation between you and the loved one. The loved one lives inside your heart so to speak. You can always reach the loved one instantly through your heart, nonverbally, bypassing your analytical mind.
We are simply too accustomed to communicate with words and have not been taught that we can communicate using our heart, nonverbally, and that it is a valid communication method.

Put your mind aside and allow yourself nonverbal interactions through your heart, with your feeling. Try not to decipher the message with your mind. Just feel the interactions.

Open and feel your heart, feel your love that is there, and communicate through your heart.
Heart is a window to other dimensions.



We are afraid of what we fear. Where does that fear come from, and why?

Is that fear real or based on imagination and your beliefs?

Is there a such a thing as a real fear?


Astral Sun

Astral Sun

I look upward
… or more precisely,
I sense upward…

I feel the Sun.

Do you see?

It is the Sun in the astral realm.
The astral body of our Sun.

Its divine, golden light
warmly embracing me,
like a gentle day of Spring.

I feel its love…
I relax…

This whole world – trees, birds, nature, animals…. is gently embraced and nourished by this astral light.

It is joy.
It is love.
And always present.

This Light is Life.

Inner Light

Inner Light

Have you noticed,
that the Light that surrounds us,
is actually enamating from inside you?

A powerful, divine, golden Light from the center of yourself.

A Sun in your heart.

Feel this Light.
Immerse yourself in this Light.
It is an ecstacy.

Keep this awareness of the Light always.

Self-observation as a tool for self-purification

Self-observation as a tool for self-purification

Self-observation is one of the core tools in the Fourth Way practice.

With self observation, of course, you will come to see that you are literally a stimulus-response machine. But more than that, it is a tool for self-purification.

With sincere practice of self-observation, you will learn to discern the vibrations of lower thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes in yourself, and start to see motivations and reasons behind them clearly.
You purify yourself by simply giving these lower vibrations up, by letting them go. So that you may become lighter, more transparent, and be able to hold higher vibrations – the light.

In time the self-observation will become your second nature. You will be able to sense a lower vibration in yourself immediately when it arises, and simply drop them.

The Fourth Way is a way of purification.
Your lower self will insist it is not safe to become pure, it is not safe to let it go. Have courage and keep dropping impurity from yourself. Purity is who you are.

You will find that It is much easier to live in higher vibrations, in a higher world, surrounded by the light.

Stop thinking and ‘know’

Stop thinking and ‘know’

Stop using your brain so much. Brain is a device to be used in the 3rd dimensional world. Its purpose is to limit you from perceiving higher dimensions and lock you into the 3rd dimension, so that you can explore this world in complete separation. This is why when you are identified with your brain activities – many thoughts, judgments, and fear, you dive deep into the 3rd dimension and you literally feel confined, separated, and helpless. We all know how this separation feels like. Brain creates an illusion and feeling of separation.

You are in a prison, called a human brain. You needed to use your thinking brain constantly in order to survive in this world as all you could see was your human-self alone in the 3rd dimensional world.

Of course these perceptions are all illusion.

Higher worlds are always around us. You are living immersed in the higher worlds. You are never separate from it. Simply your brain is filtering your perceptions of higher worlds out.

Presence, I AM presence is who you are, and in higher dimensions, your thinking brain is replaced by ‘Knowing’. You just know, without logical thinking. In order to perceive higher worlds you must stop thinking and ‘know’.



If you ask yourself a question, “Who am I?”
You might not get an answer.
Because you immediately go into your thinking brain
and try to find an answer there.

Instead, one way to experience the answer is
to feel into “I KNOW I AM”, in your stillness.
This I AM-ness, a sense of existence you feel is you.
This is your identity – who you are.



You are becoming an enlightened Master.
Are you pure?
A Master does not cheat oneself and others.
A Master live purely in harmony with oneself and the whole.

When you feel you are impure – forcing and manipulating situations and others with your personality self’s agenda, have a courage to drop it.

Your heart desires to be pure again,
like an innocent child once you were.
Allow your heart to manifest, whatever happens, as you are always protected.

Live like a Master would.

Bathed in the divine light

Bathed in the divine light

You can live all day and everyday,
Bathed in the divine light.
Feeling graceful,
Satiated by the light that surround you.

Why will you choose thoughts, words, and actions that make you step out from this enchanting world of light?

Every thought carries a certain vibration. Feel that vibration. If it creates tightness and dissonance within you, simply release it entirely. Such thoughts are rooted in fear, lack, and limitation of the 3rd density. You need to let them go in order to be in a higher world.

(In the next post I will share an effective method how to release these thoughts)