Stop thinking and ‘know’
Stop using your brain so much. Brain is a device to be used in the 3rd dimensional world. Its purpose is to limit you from perceiving higher dimensions and lock you into the 3rd dimension, so that you can explore this world in complete separation. This is why when you are identified with your brain activities – many thoughts, judgments, and fear, you dive deep into the 3rd dimension and you literally feel confined, separated, and helpless. We all know how this separation feels like. Brain creates an illusion and feeling of separation.
You are in a prison, called a human brain. You needed to use your thinking brain constantly in order to survive in this world as all you could see was your human-self alone in the 3rd dimensional world.
Of course these perceptions are all illusion.
Higher worlds are always around us. You are living immersed in the higher worlds. You are never separate from it. Simply your brain is filtering your perceptions of higher worlds out.
Presence, I AM presence is who you are, and in higher dimensions, your thinking brain is replaced by ‘Knowing’. You just know, without logical thinking. In order to perceive higher worlds you must stop thinking and ‘know’.