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Tag: life force

What God is

What God is

So, you have heard a word ‘God’ for over 2000 years. It has been presented as a supreme being or something similar to which we should devote ourselves and worship.
But such ‘God’ only exists in religions and stories. There really is no such entity or entities that called God. We all know that.

Then what is God really?
On occasion, especially in quieter moments when we were present, we all have felt the Is-ness of life and we were satiated with a wordless divine feeling.
We all felt this underlying current of Is-ness of life to which we can open our heart.
This divine Is-ness is the principles of life, the flow of life, the life force that permeates all existence, that we call God.

This life force, the stream of God, is all that exists.
And this is what we call consciousness.
We are the life force being aware of itself.

We are life.
We are consciousness.
We are one with all that exists.
There is only God, and we are indeed God itself.